Hands Holding Puli Token


The Puli contract applies a 0% tax on every buy and 10% tax on every sell transaction on decentralized exchanges with 0% tax associated with transfers. From this tax, 9% is reserved for the development and growth of Puli (project overall development growth, marketing, as well as
the staking pool.)

We can’t ignore the liquidity pool, so we have allotted 1% to go there. As volume picks up, we will take a percentage away from the development fund and add an extra 1 % to the LP.

Liquidity is vital, as it ensures that there are enough assets in the pool to trade against. Puli will also add liquidity manually if needed to support smooth transactional flow.

Puli started with a
total supply of

100,000,000 tokens

with approximately

86,000,000 tokens
in circulation

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Puli Roadmap

Phase 01:

Birth of Puli and It’s Ecosystem

Puli Roadmap

Phase 02:

Building Brand Awareness

Puli Roadmap

Phase 03:

Birth of Puli and It’s Ecosystem

Puli Roadmap

Phase 04:

Expand Exposure

Puli Roadmap

Phase 05:

Sustaining Volume

Puli Roadmap
Phase 1
Phase 4
Phase 4
Phase 3
Phase 5

© 2022 Lightspeed Games LLC., all rights reserved.

PULI® is a trademark of Lightspeed Games LLC.